Crispy Kites

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Why CrispyKites?

Ever since iKitesurf stopped their Classifieds section, we've been stuck with fewer options of how to buy and sell our used Kitegear. CrispyKites is here to change that. With any luck, we hope to be the best way for kiters of all ability levels to manage their kite quiver with ease.


Kite gear is super expensive. Gently used gear makes kiteboarding more accessible to everyone. It also frees up space for you to go buy more kite gear!

Someone, somewhere wants your kite gear. And you want to sell it, but you don't want to get scammed. And neither do they. So what do you do?

What is the CrispyKites solution?

Sellers list their gear for free and buyers buy at your fair price. We transfer you the money once they get the gear. Win win.

What if I don't get the gear?

Then the seller doesn't get your money and you get your money back from CrispyKites.

What if the gear is in bad shape?

Well if the gear was priced by the seller accordingly and they didn't claim it was in a condition that it wasn't, then this could certainly be on you. If they said this certainly needs some TLC and a repair job, then you're probably getting a great deal on it. If you feel misled, we can help you negotiate a fair resolution with your seller. If you still feel like you were misled and you want to warn others about this seller, you can leave a review to tell other buyers to beware. Ultimately, kiteboarding is a community that is helpful to one another, so we should strive for diplomacy in how we transact in the gear marketplace.

Can I sell super-outdated kite gear?

We all know how dangerous kiteboarding is. Our hope is that if you're selling a relic that you'll note that it's NOT for beginners, but for someone who knows how to tune up the gear to be ready for the water. As kiteboarding technology evolves, the old gear needs its disclaimers - ensure the lines are retested on a control bar; ensure the bladders still hold air to recommended PSI. Selling gear for cheap to a newbie might put them in danger, so have a real conversation with your buyer.

Maybe there's a whole quiver of kites only a couple years old that are priced very low. Well perhaps they're priced low because the seller runs a kite school and they know these things have slammed into the water thousands of times. We hope the seller will tell that story. And maybe you're not looking for a perfect $2000 kite, because you're buying it for a relative newbie who is going to also beat the hell out of the kite. Everything has its season.

Where are all the kites?

We are new - tell your friends who are selling kite gear! Niche marketplaces such as CrispyKites have the challenge of getting started. Buyers don't come unless there is inventory and sellers don't list their gear if there are no buyers. Hmm. Please bear with us as we get the word out about a much-needed bazaar for all things kite!